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Health promotion

Exercise and Kneipp

Health promotion

Living in harmony with oneself and the world requires everyone to take care of their own health. 
That is why we introduce the children to immune system strengthening health management. In addition to a healthy diet and a daily rotating tea schedule, they learn to feel their own body, to deal with it and to take care of it.

Health promotion for our little explorers

Our kindergarten has a sauna that is tailored to the needs of the children. We use it regularly because sauna sessions are part of our health management. 
This is because the combination of hot and cold stimuli trains the heart, circulation and blood vessels. The immune system is strengthened naturally and the autonomic nervous system is relaxed and stabilized. In addition, sauna treatments have a balancing and purifying effect and also promote blood circulation throughout the body.

This is how we further promote health:

  • Treading water
  • Dew treading
  • Arm bath
  • Foot feeling path
  • Tea plan
  • Swimming lessons for preschool children
  • Water familiarization from 3 years
  • Yoga
You want to get in contact with our BuFaZ team?

We are happy to be at their disposal for any questions they may have.