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Nutrition and food

Fresh, balanced and homemade

Nutrition and food

We offer the children breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack every day. 
All food is provided and prepared by our in-house canteen. 

Healthy meals for happy kids: breakfast, lunch and snacks

Every morning, the children have breakfast together in their home group. They can decide what they want to eat and serve themselves. There is a daily changing breakfast menu.

Our lunch is prepared fresh daily by our in-house canteen. We always follow the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society. 

After nap time, all children are given the opportunity to have a snack. Thereby  
a fruit plate and another snack are available every day. 

The balanced and healthy diet is a great component for the holistic image of a healthy child and also the first pillar of the active principles of Sebastian Kneipp, under which we work in accordance with his Kneipp concept. 
We attach great importance to self-determination and experience through all the senses when eating together. 
Eating should be enjoyment and togetherness, it should be informal and make you want more. It should be communicative and strengthen relationships. And thus holistically promote practical nutrition education. We consider all eating situations as educational opportunities. 

You want to get in contact with our BuFaZ team?

We are happy to be at their disposal for any questions they may have.